Ngā utu hou mō te whakakwhiti rawa whenua
New fee for property transfers
We are now charging a flat fee of $85 to cover the property transfer service.
Read more hereUse our handy Solicitors' Portal
Use our handy Solicitors' Portal
When your client sells a property, you’ll need to arrange for a final meter reading and send a few extra details through to us. This is best managed through our secure online portal, especially if you have multiple property clients.
Sign up to use the portal
Our secure online portal is all about making it easier and faster to communicate with us.
If you’re not yet registered, simply email us at [email protected] and provide:
- Your first and last name
- Legal firm
- Telephone number
- Email address
Please note, we’ve made some changes to the portal
When you log in, please use the ‘show more bookings filter’ (picture below) to access all your bookings or to streamline past and future reading requests.
Please allow three working days for all reading requests.

Carry out the property transfer without using the portal
It’s highly recommended that you use our Solicitors’ Portal, but if you can’t, you’ll need to complete the two forms below.
Final meter reading
Meters are read Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holiday. We require six working days' notice.
Important note:
Your client is liable to pay for all supply that passes through the meter, up until the final meter reading.

Our charges
Understand how we charge for water and wastewater services.

Who is responsible for what?
Understand who’s responsible for bill payments, pipes, water meters, repairs and more

Understanding water meters
Water meters measure how much water a property uses. Learn about the different meters and how to read them.