Te ngahau ā-wai mā ā tātou tamariki
Water fun for our kids
At home or kura (school), children can discover and share these fun facts about water conservation and enjoy heaps of hands-on activities.
We’re all about creating the next generation of water guardians with the help of teachers, parents and caregivers. That’s why we’re pleased you’re here!
Check out these facts, activities and resources, perfect for tackling school holiday blues or for incorporating into school lessons. Explore, download and learn.

Fun facts about water
- Water is the most natural, healthy thing we can drink. On average, our bodies are about 60 per cent water and our brains are 78 per cent water.
- Water is vital for life. You would survive for less than a week without water. Eek!
- On average, every person in Auckland uses between 140 and 175 litres of water per day (but many of us don’t pause to wonder where it comes from or where it’s going!).
Water conservation
We waste water when:
- we leave the tap running while brushing our teeth
- we let the tap run while waiting for the hot water to come through
- we have long showers
- we ignore running or dripping taps
- we wash clothes, food or dishes under a running tap.
- Luckily, it's easy to make a few simple changes to be a water guardian.
Check out these resources that are all about conserving H20.

Water conservation tips
Master these tricks.

Board game fun
Learn water-wise tips as you play.

Spot the difference
Look closely and find the things Sam and his family are doing to save water.

Drips and rainbows game
If you like Snakes and Ladders, challenge your friends!
Water play and outdoor activities
Check all these fun water play activities!
Smart water play
Playing wisely outdoors.
Learn how to grow carrots
Carrots are fun and fast to grow.
Grow a bean in a glass jar
Grow beans in four weeks!
Reusing water in the garden
Make notes with this activity sheet.
How your water is treated
Before you fill your water bottle or wash your hands, the water you use will have been treated by one of Auckland's 15 water treatment plants.

From sky to sea and back again. Check out this helpful visual.
Have a look at our water cycle cut and paste activity and see if you can work out the various stages along the way.
Same activity as our English version but in te reo – give it a go!
This map shows you where we get water from and how it's stored.
How your drinking water gets treated.
Find out more about their differences.
Get a view from the outside (poster).
Get a view from the outside (poster).

Wastewater treatment
Learn all about the wastewater treatment process.
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