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How to read your downloaded ebook
Instructions for reading our Sam and Flo ebooks.

How to read your .epub file
Apple computer
Download the .epub file onto your computer. Open iBooks. Then drag your file into iBooks. Now it will be in iBooks and ready to read.
Download the .epub file onto your computer. You will need to install Thorium Reader to view the file. You can download it here.
Nb. We don't recommend using any other eReader on a PC, as the read-along and interactive features will not display.
iPad or iPhone
Download the .epub file on to your iPad or iPhone. Now choose the Apple share icon (square with an arrow up top); scroll along till you see ‘Books’ or ‘iBooks’, then select this. The book will now open in iBooks and be ready to read.
Nb. As this is a fixed-layout ebook, it’s text and interactivity will remain small on a phone: we recommend viewing on a tablet or computer with a larger screen size.
Android tablet or phone
Download the .epub file to your Android phone or tablet. When you click on it, it will automatically be imported into Google Play Books, where you can read it.
Nb. As this is a fixed-layout ebook, it’s text and interactivity will remain very small on a phone: we recommend viewing on a tablet or computer with a larger screen size.
If you have any difficulties, please contact [email protected].