Water restrictions
Find out when and why water restrictions are used.
Auckland's water supply is stable. No restrictions are in place.
Why do we use water restrictions?
While water sources like rivers and aquifers are more resilient to drought, all water sources rely on rainfall. During extreme dry spells that cause our dam levels to drop, we put in place water restrictions to ensure we are all using water wisely. When we’re in a drought, we don’t know when it’s going to end, so restrictions are a smart and proactive way of conserving water and minimising wastage. Restrictions are focused on limiting outdoor water use to ensure there is enough water for residential and business customers.
How do we decide when to use them?
Before making a recommendation to Auckland Council, we consider a number of factors including current dam storage, expected water demand, the short-term weather outlook, and the likelihood of needing to go back into restrictions. Seesawing in and out of restrictions would create confusion and is something we try to avoid.
Our Drought Management Plan details the water restriction trigger levels used for metropolitan Auckland and non-metropolitan Auckland, specifically Wellsford and Helensville/Parakai. Trigger levels tell us when to enter water restrictions and when to move up or down a level.
The trigger levels
The trigger levels

Metropolitan Auckland's trigger levels
Metropolitan Auckland’s trigger levels are based on the total storage in our water supply dams.

Wellsford's trigger levels
Wellsford’s trigger levels are based on the flow in the Hoteo River.

Helensville and Parakai's trigger levels
Helensville/Parakai’s trigger levels apply if the Sandhills groundwater source is unavailable.
Learn more about the different water restriction stages
Learn more about the different water restriction stages
Water is preciousEven though our water supply is stable, water should not be wasted.
With Auckland being a coastal city, water can often seem like it is abundant, but tap water is not an infinite resource. Please remember water is precious and it’s important to use it wisely. Weaving the following tips into your routine will help you conserve water and lower your bill.
Follow these links for water-efficiency tips:
Even though our water supply is stable, water should not be wasted.
With Auckland being a coastal city, water can often seem like it is abundant, but tap water is not an infinite resource. Please remember water is precious and it’s important to use it wisely. Weaving the following tips into your routine will help you conserve water and lower your bill.
Follow these links for water-efficiency tips:
Preparing for a droughtIn the preparing for a drought stage, our total dam storage level would be below where we’d like it to be and we'd be keeping a very close eye on water consumption along with the weather outlook. We may be preparing to put water restrictions in place, and will be working closely with Auckland Council, as the responsibility for introducing restrictions sits with Council.
You would expect to hear more from us with messages online and across social media urging everyone to use water wisely. We will be sharing our top water savings tips far and wide.
In the preparing for a drought stage, our total dam storage level would be below where we’d like it to be and we'd be keeping a very close eye on water consumption along with the weather outlook. We may be preparing to put water restrictions in place, and will be working closely with Auckland Council, as the responsibility for introducing restrictions sits with Council.
You would expect to hear more from us with messages online and across social media urging everyone to use water wisely. We will be sharing our top water savings tips far and wide.
Stage 1 residential restrictionsWatering lawns and gardens in residential premises
This is only permitted with an irrigation system, trigger nozzle on a handheld hose, or bucket in line with the following schedules:
- (a) Odd numbered properties - before 7am and after 7pm - Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
- (b) Even or un-numbered (rural) properties - before 7am and after 7pm - Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays.
A bucket or watering can may be used anytime, any day.

Cleaning hard surfaces in residential premises
- Cleaning of paths, roads, driveways or outdoor artificial surfaces is not permitted except for spot cleaning for health and safety or biosecurity purposes. This must be done with a high-pressure water cleaner or water from a bucket.
General outdoor cleaning (other than hard surfaces) in residential premises
General outdoor cleaning can occur at any time using:
- A bucket or a high-pressure water cleaner for no longer than 10 minutes a day.
General outdoor cleaning includes (but is not limited to):
- Exterior of building, landscaping (e.g. retaining walls).
- Entertainment and eating areas.
- Vehicles (e.g. cars, boats, caravans, trailers, bikes, buses, trucks).
- Outdoor furniture and related equipment.
- Rubbish bins, tools and related equipment, animal enclosures and kennels.
Swimming pools, spas and recreational water use in residential premises
- Topping up an existing pool or spa to replace water lost is authorised using a handheld hose or bucket only.
- Filling of new or renovated pool or spa pool (volume >500L) is allowed only if a permanent pool/spa cover is in place to reduce evaporation.
- Paddling or temporary pools holding more than 500L may not be filled.
Use of tankered drinking water
- Tankers can only source drinking water from approved filling stations.
- Tankers supplying the wider Auckland region for essential uses only are permitted to fill from our system.
- Residential customers who receive water from tankers that source water from our filling stations are subject to the same restrictions as our customers on the network.
Watering lawns and gardens in residential premises
This is only permitted with an irrigation system, trigger nozzle on a handheld hose, or bucket in line with the following schedules:
- (a) Odd numbered properties - before 7am and after 7pm - Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
- (b) Even or un-numbered (rural) properties - before 7am and after 7pm - Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays.
A bucket or watering can may be used anytime, any day.

Cleaning hard surfaces in residential premises
- Cleaning of paths, roads, driveways or outdoor artificial surfaces is not permitted except for spot cleaning for health and safety or biosecurity purposes. This must be done with a high-pressure water cleaner or water from a bucket.
General outdoor cleaning (other than hard surfaces) in residential premises
General outdoor cleaning can occur at any time using:
- A bucket or a high-pressure water cleaner for no longer than 10 minutes a day.
General outdoor cleaning includes (but is not limited to):
- Exterior of building, landscaping (e.g. retaining walls).
- Entertainment and eating areas.
- Vehicles (e.g. cars, boats, caravans, trailers, bikes, buses, trucks).
- Outdoor furniture and related equipment.
- Rubbish bins, tools and related equipment, animal enclosures and kennels.
Swimming pools, spas and recreational water use in residential premises
- Topping up an existing pool or spa to replace water lost is authorised using a handheld hose or bucket only.
- Filling of new or renovated pool or spa pool (volume >500L) is allowed only if a permanent pool/spa cover is in place to reduce evaporation.
- Paddling or temporary pools holding more than 500L may not be filled.
Use of tankered drinking water
- Tankers can only source drinking water from approved filling stations.
- Tankers supplying the wider Auckland region for essential uses only are permitted to fill from our system.
- Residential customers who receive water from tankers that source water from our filling stations are subject to the same restrictions as our customers on the network.
Stage 1 business restrictionsWatering lawns and gardens in non-residential premises
- Voluntary savings target of 5-10%.
Non-business related cleaning
- Voluntary savings target of 5-10%.
Commercial business functions
- Voluntary savings target of 5-10%.
Agricultural and horticultural uses
- Replace potable water (water from the metropolitan network) with alternative sources where possible.
- Irrigation watering permitted only as required using a handheld hose with a trigger nozzle, watering can or bucket, or an irrigation system with an automated weather adjustment, rain sensor or soil moisture sensor.
Use of tankered drinking water
- Tankers can only source drinking water from approved Watercare filling stations.
- Tankers supplying the wider Auckland region for essential uses only are permitted to fill from our system.
- Non-residential customers receiving water from tankers that source water from Watercare filling stations are subject to the same restrictions as our customers connected to the metropolitan network. Please see the residential restrictions section at the top of this page.
Watering lawns and gardens in non-residential premises
- Voluntary savings target of 5-10%.
Non-business related cleaning
- Voluntary savings target of 5-10%.
Commercial business functions
- Voluntary savings target of 5-10%.
Agricultural and horticultural uses
- Replace potable water (water from the metropolitan network) with alternative sources where possible.
- Irrigation watering permitted only as required using a handheld hose with a trigger nozzle, watering can or bucket, or an irrigation system with an automated weather adjustment, rain sensor or soil moisture sensor.
Use of tankered drinking water
- Tankers can only source drinking water from approved Watercare filling stations.
- Tankers supplying the wider Auckland region for essential uses only are permitted to fill from our system.
- Non-residential customers receiving water from tankers that source water from Watercare filling stations are subject to the same restrictions as our customers connected to the metropolitan network. Please see the residential restrictions section at the top of this page.
Stage 2 residential restrictionsWatering lawns and gardens in residential premises
This is only permitted with an irrigation system (with moisture sensor), trigger nozzle on handheld hose, or bucket for watering gardens (but not lawns) in line with the following schedules:
- Odd numbered properties - before 7am and after 7pm - Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
- Even or un-numbered properties - before 7am and after 7pm - Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays.
A bucket or watering can may be used at anytime, any day.
Cleaning hard surfaces in residential premises
- Cleaning of paths, roads, driveways etc or outdoor artificial surfaces is not permitted except for spot cleaning for health and safety or biosecurity purposes. This must be done with a high-pressure water cleaner or water from a bucket.
General outdoor cleaning (other than hard surfaces) in residential premises
- General outdoor cleaning can occur at any time using a bucket.
- Permitted activities are as per stage 1 restrictions except exterior building cleaning.
- Exterior building washing is only permitted by a qualified water efficient exterior cleaner, i.e. Exterior Cleaning Industry Association (ECIA) member following water efficient cleaning standards.

Swimming pools, spas and recreational water use in residential premises
- Please follow stage 1 restrictions for existing pools or spas, provided a permanent cover is used.
- Pools and spas without covers may only be topped up if an engineer certifies that this is required for structural or health and safety reasons.
- Paddling or temporary pools may not be filled.
Use of tankered drinking water
- Tankers can only source drinking water from approved Watercare filling stations.
- Tankers supplying the wider Auckland region for essential uses only are permitted to fill from our system.
- The volume delivered to each property will be limited to the Auckland average per capita consumption per household resident. A reasonable allowance for animal drinking water is also permitted.
Watering lawns and gardens in residential premises
This is only permitted with an irrigation system (with moisture sensor), trigger nozzle on handheld hose, or bucket for watering gardens (but not lawns) in line with the following schedules:
- Odd numbered properties - before 7am and after 7pm - Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
- Even or un-numbered properties - before 7am and after 7pm - Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays.
A bucket or watering can may be used at anytime, any day.
Cleaning hard surfaces in residential premises
- Cleaning of paths, roads, driveways etc or outdoor artificial surfaces is not permitted except for spot cleaning for health and safety or biosecurity purposes. This must be done with a high-pressure water cleaner or water from a bucket.
General outdoor cleaning (other than hard surfaces) in residential premises
- General outdoor cleaning can occur at any time using a bucket.
- Permitted activities are as per stage 1 restrictions except exterior building cleaning.
- Exterior building washing is only permitted by a qualified water efficient exterior cleaner, i.e. Exterior Cleaning Industry Association (ECIA) member following water efficient cleaning standards.

Swimming pools, spas and recreational water use in residential premises
- Please follow stage 1 restrictions for existing pools or spas, provided a permanent cover is used.
- Pools and spas without covers may only be topped up if an engineer certifies that this is required for structural or health and safety reasons.
- Paddling or temporary pools may not be filled.
Use of tankered drinking water
- Tankers can only source drinking water from approved Watercare filling stations.
- Tankers supplying the wider Auckland region for essential uses only are permitted to fill from our system.
- The volume delivered to each property will be limited to the Auckland average per capita consumption per household resident. A reasonable allowance for animal drinking water is also permitted.
Stage 2 business restrictionsWatering lawns and gardens in non-residential premises
- Potable water (water from the metropolitan network) cannot be used for watering if it is not the customer's core business.
Non-business related cleaning
- Potable water cannot be used for cleaning except where required for health, safety, hygiene purposes.
- Exterior building washing is only permitted by a qualified water efficient exterior cleaner ie. Exterior Cleaning Industry Association (ECIA) member following water efficient cleaning standards.
Commercial business functions
- Potable water cannot be used for non-core business activities eg., garden watering, vehicle washing, other discretionary cleaning except where required for health, safety, hygiene purposes.
- Commercial sectors who can use non-potable water for their core business must use it eg: construction cleaning, car washers.
Agricultural and horticultural uses
- Continue with stage 1 restrictions.
Use of tankered drinking water
- Continue with stage 1 restrictions.
Watering lawns and gardens in non-residential premises
- Potable water (water from the metropolitan network) cannot be used for watering if it is not the customer's core business.
Non-business related cleaning
- Potable water cannot be used for cleaning except where required for health, safety, hygiene purposes.
- Exterior building washing is only permitted by a qualified water efficient exterior cleaner ie. Exterior Cleaning Industry Association (ECIA) member following water efficient cleaning standards.
Commercial business functions
- Potable water cannot be used for non-core business activities eg., garden watering, vehicle washing, other discretionary cleaning except where required for health, safety, hygiene purposes.
- Commercial sectors who can use non-potable water for their core business must use it eg: construction cleaning, car washers.
Agricultural and horticultural uses
- Continue with stage 1 restrictions.
Use of tankered drinking water
- Continue with stage 1 restrictions.
Stage 3 residential restrictionsWatering lawns and gardens in residential premises
- There is a total ban on all irrigation systems and hoses.
- Only watering cans and buckets can be used.

Cleaning hard surfaces in residential premises
- Cleaning of paths, roads, driveways, etc. or outdoor artificial surfaces is not permitted except for spot cleaning for health and safety or biosecurity purposes, using a high pressure water cleaner or water from a bucket.
General outdoor cleaning (other than hard surfaces) in residential premises
- There is a total ban on using potable water (water from the metropolitan network) for general outdoor cleaning, except where required for health, safety, hygiene purposes, and graffiti removal - which can occur at any time by any suitable means.
Swimming pools, spas and recreational water use in residential premises
- Please follow stage 1 restrictions for existing pools or spas, provided a permanent cover is used.
- Pools and spas without covers may only be topped up if an engineer certifies that this is required for structural or health and safety reasons.
- Paddling or temporary pools may not be filled.
Use of tankered drinking water
- Tankers can only source drinking water from approved Watercare filling stations.
- Tankers supplying the wider Auckland region for essential uses only are permitted to fill from the Watercare system.
- The volume delivered to each property will be limited to the Auckland average per capita consumption per household resident. A reasonable allowance for animal drinking water is also permitted.
Watering lawns and gardens in residential premises
- There is a total ban on all irrigation systems and hoses.
- Only watering cans and buckets can be used.

Cleaning hard surfaces in residential premises
- Cleaning of paths, roads, driveways, etc. or outdoor artificial surfaces is not permitted except for spot cleaning for health and safety or biosecurity purposes, using a high pressure water cleaner or water from a bucket.
General outdoor cleaning (other than hard surfaces) in residential premises
- There is a total ban on using potable water (water from the metropolitan network) for general outdoor cleaning, except where required for health, safety, hygiene purposes, and graffiti removal - which can occur at any time by any suitable means.
Swimming pools, spas and recreational water use in residential premises
- Please follow stage 1 restrictions for existing pools or spas, provided a permanent cover is used.
- Pools and spas without covers may only be topped up if an engineer certifies that this is required for structural or health and safety reasons.
- Paddling or temporary pools may not be filled.
Use of tankered drinking water
- Tankers can only source drinking water from approved Watercare filling stations.
- Tankers supplying the wider Auckland region for essential uses only are permitted to fill from the Watercare system.
- The volume delivered to each property will be limited to the Auckland average per capita consumption per household resident. A reasonable allowance for animal drinking water is also permitted.
Stage 3 business restrictionsWatering lawns and gardens in non-residential premises
- Potable water (water from the metropolitan network) cannot be used for watering if it is not the customer’s core business.
Non-business related cleaning
- Potable water cannot be used for cleaning except where required for health, safety, hygiene purposes.
Commercial business functions
- Water efficiency audits must be in place and tailored water savings plans agreed to with our top 50 water-using customers.
- For all other remaining commercial customers, a 15% mandatory water saving is required.
Agricultural and horticultural uses
• Potable water use is not allowed other than for stock watering and domestic use.
Use of tankered drinking water
- Tankers can only source drinking water from approved Watercare filling stations.
- Tankers supplying the wider Auckland region for essential uses only are permitted to fill from the Watercare system.
- Non-residential customers receiving water from tankers that source water from Watercare filling stations are subject to the same restrictions as our customers connected to the metropolitan network. Please see the residential restrictions section
Watering lawns and gardens in non-residential premises
- Potable water (water from the metropolitan network) cannot be used for watering if it is not the customer’s core business.
Non-business related cleaning
- Potable water cannot be used for cleaning except where required for health, safety, hygiene purposes.
Commercial business functions
- Water efficiency audits must be in place and tailored water savings plans agreed to with our top 50 water-using customers.
- For all other remaining commercial customers, a 15% mandatory water saving is required.
Agricultural and horticultural uses
• Potable water use is not allowed other than for stock watering and domestic use.
Use of tankered drinking water
- Tankers can only source drinking water from approved Watercare filling stations.
- Tankers supplying the wider Auckland region for essential uses only are permitted to fill from the Watercare system.
- Non-residential customers receiving water from tankers that source water from Watercare filling stations are subject to the same restrictions as our customers connected to the metropolitan network. Please see the residential restrictions section
Stage 4 restrictionsStage 4 water restrictions will be scoped if a drought occurs.
Stage 4 water restrictions will be scoped if a drought occurs.