Whenuapai and Redhills wastewater project
Wastewater upgrades are required to cater for development.
Early 2024 - late 2027
Whenuapai, Redhills and Hobsonville
Project overview
The project involves new wastewater infrastructure to service growth in the northwest future urban zones. The main project works will take place in the Whenuapai and Redhills areas, and along SH18.
The proposal
- Gravity pipelines in southern Redhills
- A new pump station, rising main and gravity pipeline located in Whenuapai
- Two rising main diversions in Whenuapai
- A new tunnel from Westgate to Hobsonville. The new wastewater tunnel will be constructed using micro-tunnel boring and will be at a depth of approximately 20 meters underground
Package 1: Dates to be confirmed
Package 2: Dates to be confirmed
Package 3: Late November 2024 - late 2025
Project map

Current works
Package 3: Pipeline A - Southern Redhills gravity wastewater pipelines
Late November 2024 - late 2025
The objective of this project is to enable permanent wastewater connections to the Redhills area. Our project team recently started the Southern Redhills gravity wastewater pipelines – package 3 – pipeline A work, which began with site mobilisation on Tuesday 26 November. This work includes the improvement of the existing road at 29 Red Hills Road and the construction of the compound/laydown area (site offices, machinery, stockpile). The site compound/laydown area is located at 29 Red Hills Road.
The scope of these works is for the construction and commissioning of a gravity pipeline through private property (required approvals have been granted). The pipeline is approximately 1.2 kilometres in length and is shown by the orange line on the map below. Our package 3 - pipeline A works are estimated to be completed by around November 2025.

Package 3: Pipeline B
Late November 2024 - late 2025
This is a local network connection which services the Cardinal West development. In regard to construction, we are working through the required processes with the developer. Once package 3 – pipeline A and pipeline B works are complete, the permanent wastewater infrastructure for the Cardinal West development will be complete and the temporary wastewater tankering solution will be brought to an end.