Ōtara wastewater capacity upgrades
We're installing new pipelines and connections along the local wastewater network to reduce wet weather overflows and cater for future growth.
November 2025 – February 2027
Project overview
The wastewater network in Ōtara has a number of challenges. Due to population growth and rapid development, the network is reaching capacity. During heavy rainfall it can overflow into the local environment, streams and the Tāmaki River.
To improve capacity, the project includes a new pump station and pipelines that will pump wastewater northward from the southern catchment area. By-passing the rest of the catchment will provide more capacity within the system. Additional underground storage at Billington Reserve will reduce overflows during heavy rain.

How will this work affect you?
Investigation works which are used to inform the final design, will be starting late September and are expected to take about three months to complete.
Some of the investigation works will be in parks and reserves however the sites will be small and contained and are likely to cause minimum impact. Other investigation works will be carried out on private properties and in the road reserve. Impacted property owners have been contacted directly regarding potential access requirements.
Any work required on the road reserve will be managed by a traffic management plan.
Work hours
- Typically 7am to 6pm Monday to Friday.
Construction noise
- While the work may generate some noise, please be assured that it will be kept to a minimum and within Auckland Unitary Plan guidelines.
Driveway access
- We do not anticipate this project will prevent vehicle access to properties. However, if there is a need to restrict access, we will notify you in advance.