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Clarks Beach Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrade and outfall pipe

Improving wastewater quality and supporting population growth in Glenbrook and Clarks Beach.


2024 - 2026


Clarks Beach



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The team dedicated to the Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor (MABR) work have commissioned the filtration tank which allows us to maintain compliance while we install the new MABR tanks.

Project overview

We have two interrelated projects underway for wastewater treatment improvements in Clarks Beach. This work consists of an upgrade to the existing wastewater treatment plant and the construction of a new outfall. Delivering this work allows higher quality treated effluent to be discharged effectively on the outgoing tide and minimises our impact on the local environment.

Clarks Beach MABR map

Wastewater Treatment Plant

Currently, the plant treats wastewater from about 2,500 people in Clarks Beach and Glenbrook. Our upgrade will allow it to treat wastewater for up to 6,000 people, which is expected to cover growth through to 2030. The upgrade involves us installing membrane aerated bioreactor technology (MABR) which together with UV disinfection, will significantly improve the quality of the treated wastewater leaving the plant.


At the same time as the plant upgrade, we will construct a new outfall pipe to carry treated wastewater from the plant to about 100 metres off the coast in the Waiuku Channel. The outfall pipe will have the capacity to take the treated wastewater of up to 30,000 people, ensuring its fit-for-purpose for the long term.

  • It will discharge only on the outgoing tide further lessening the impact on the environment.
  • It will be constructed using a micro tunnelled tunnel boring machine and marine barges.
  • The outfall and discharge were granted consent in 2018.
  • Both the treatment plant upgrade and outfall construction will ensure we meet the conditions of this consent.

Current and upcoming works

Construction is scheduled to complete in June 2026. The work is largely taking place within the current wastewater treatment plant site, however, there will be some works at Stella Drive (our access into the site) and in the Waiuku Channel.

How will this affect you?

Work hours

  • Between 7am and 6pm Monday to Friday, with only limited works outside these hours.
  • We continue to be in close contact with the Clarks Beach Golf Club around the scope and duration of the construction works.
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