Work to start on stage 2 of $22m North Shore wastewater pipe
21 September 2023Kicking off on Monday 25 September, we'll begin the next installation stage of the $22m replacement wastewater pipeline near Glenfield College and the Stanley Road/Kaipātiki Road intersection.
By having two project teams on the ground working at the same time, our team and construction partner CB Civil completed three major sections of the replacement pipeline at pace and on time. The pipeline will replace the existing wastewater pipeline that has experienced multiple failures in the last two years, resulting in complex repairs and significant clean-up costs.
The 2km pipeline is on track to be completed by March next year and will play a significant role in reducing overflows and catering for growth in Beach Haven and Bayview.
Project manager Alastair Stewart says having two teams on the ground working simultaneously towards the Stanley Road intersection was a huge factor in keeping the project moving forward.
“To complete the next stage of the works, we’ll use the same tactic with multiple teams completing different sections of the pipeline simultaneously.
“This time round, multiple contractors will also be working on Kaipātiki Road to fix damage caused by the recent flooding event. CB Civil will be replacing a damaged section of stormwater pipe as well as constructing a retaining wall for Auckland Council.”
At the same time, Fulton Hogan will be building a large retaining wall for Auckland Transport.
“Doing this work at the same time will help reduce disruptions to the community by approximately 10 weeks because Fulton Hogan can replace the stormwater pipeline at the same time instead of coming in after us.”
Stewart says the most significant change locals and commuters will experience with the works is the traffic flow.
“Traffic flow needs to swap direction for our one-way detour. Traffic that heads from Beach Haven towards Glenfield will soon be detoured from Easton Park Parade and Kaipātiki Road to Stanley Road.
“So, this time round the traffic heading in the opposite direction from Glenfield towards Beach Haven will use the one-way system.
“We’ve done this so crews can remobilise and move to the other side of the road to complete the remaining work.
“To get the work done safely and at pace, we’ll keep reducing street parking, lane widths, and speed limits.
“We will also have detours for pedestrians and bus stops and have traffic management in place for the duration of the work.”
Stewart understands that these works are highly disruptive to residents and commuters in the area.
“We’re working with residents and local government agencies in the area to help reduce the impact of these disruptions.
“Work hours on the project will continue from 7.30am to 6pm Monday to Friday, with potential work on Saturdays.
“While the work may generate some noise and vibration, we want locals to be assured levels will be kept to a minimum and in accordance with Auckland Council and consent requirements.”