We're working in with Eastern Busway plans
27 November 2023We're handing the baton to Auckland Transport (AT) to complete the next two stages of the Howick Loop Watermain Upgrade.
The final sections of work will take place on Pakūranga Road and Tī Rākau Drive where they intersect with William Roberts Road.
The work involves replacing sections of the pipeline with larger pipes to enable more water to flow through to the growing Howick, Pakūranga and Botany communities. Project manager Tim Manning says the upgrade is a jointly funded $15.6 million project between Watercare and AT, delivered by the Eastern Busway Alliance who are building the busway.
“Watercare have completed an upgrade of the Howick Loop Watermain along William Roberts Road between Pakūranga Road and Tī Rākau Drive.
“We have relocated critical assets like bulk supply points and valve chambers to improve water distribution throughout the network and enable William Roberts Road to be extended to Tī Rākau Drive.
“We have handed over to the alliance to deliver the final section of pipe, which includes staging pipe crossings in sections under both Pakūranga Road and Tī Rākau Drive.
“During construction, water supply is being maintained to households and businesses by redistributing it through a temporary network watermain.”
Manning says using the opportunity to upgrade and relocate the water network while the busway is being built makes sense.
“Taking a ‘dig once’ approach means that we minimise future disruption to the community and save costs and time.
“Doing this work also means we’re able to maintain a resilient water supply for the community and cater for planned and future growth in east Auckland.”
Eastern Busway Alliance owner interface manager Tom Willetts says the Eastern Busway Alliance will deliver the future stages of the pipeline over the next three years.
“The work areas will be clearly marked and we appreciate drivers’ patience and care around any temporary road layout changes while the pipe is completed and the busway is built.
“When the busway is completed, it will carry 18,000 passengers per day –more than four times the 3,700 bus passengers per day before Covid-19.
“By 2048 it is expected to increase to 24,000 passengers per day.”
More information about the Eastern Busway is available at https://easternbusway.nz/ and monthly updates are available at https://easternbusway.nz/news