Mō ngā mahi kua oti
About works over
Before you begin work near our assets, make sure to get our approval. Check if your site is close to our assets and find out what requirements you’ll need to meet for your application.
Working near or over our assets
Find out if your site is near our assets.
Applying for works over approval
Find out what information you will need to provide with your application.

Accessing our wastewater network
To access our wastewater network, you will need our authorisation. Find out if you need to submit an access request or a connection request.
Related content
Ready to apply right now?
If you’re familiar with the works over application process, jump to our secure portal.
GIS maps
Our Geographic Information System (GIS) maps are helpful tools that show water and wastewater networks within Auckland.
Apply to connect your pipes to our networks or change an existing connection.
Understand the key steps in the resource consent process. Find our engineering standards and other resources here too.